How to Getting-Started with Java Programming in Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial

Ubuntu 16.04 Java Programming Getting-Started Guide

The Tutorial Shows You How to Getting-Started with Java Programming in Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial LTS 32/64bit GNU/Linux.

This is Just a Pragmatic and Essential Java Programming Quick Start Guide for Ubuntu Systems.

First of All you’ll need to get Installed the Java Development Kit for Ubuntu GNU/Linux.

Because the Oracle Java SE JDK includes All the Tools necessary to Compile and Execute Java Code on Ubuntu.

Then basically you dispose of 2 Ways for writing and Executing Java Programs.

The Hardest one is practiced using:

  1. Text or Code Editor for Writing
  2. Compiling and Running on Shell

And instead for the Easier one, you have simply to Install and make use of an IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

How to Getting-Started with Java Programming in Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial - Featured

The Java IDE includes all Tools needed to Compose, Compile and Run the Java Programs.

Futhermore, with an IDE you dispose of the Aid of Code Suggestion and eventually Correction.

So it’s up to you the Choice of what’s should Best Fitting your personal Teasts and Commitements.

However here now I limit myself to Shows you How to Getting-Started with Java Programming by Installing and Using the most widespread Java IDE’s.

Especially relevant: the detailed instructions on How to Install Java JDK on Ubuntu are included inside the IDE’s Guides.

Finally, the linked guides presents also a clear Java Hello-World Example to Compile and Run on the Platforms.

  • 1. Eclipse IDE for Java Development

    The Eclipse IDE is the most diffused Java Development IDE, mostly written in Java and it contains a base workspace and an extensible Plug-in system for customizing the environment.

    And Eclipse is Free, with main Features: Windows Builder, integration with Maven, Mylyn, XML editor, Git client and CVS client.

    So here below Link to Eclipse IDE Quick Start on Ubuntu:
    Eclipse IDE Java Ubuntu 16.04 Getting-Started Guide

  • 2. NetBeans IDE for Java Development

    The NetBeans IDE is another Favourite choice between Java Developers, with supports for all Java application versions (Java SE, JavaFX, Java ME, Java EE, EJB and mobile apps) standard Out of the Box

    And Oracle NetBeans is also Free and with main Features: Ant-based project system, support for Maven, refactoring, and Version Control (CVS, Subversion, Git, Mercurial and Clearcase)

    Again here below Link to NetBeans IDE Quick Start on Ubuntu:
    NetBeans IDE Java Ubuntu 16.04 Getting-Started Guide

  • 3. IntelliJ IDEA for Java Development

    The IntelliJ IDEA is also a Preferred solution, mainly used for Android app development, Scala, Groovy, Java SE and Java programming.

    And IntelliJ instead dispose of two Releases, a Community Free and also a Pro with some Extented Features.

    Furthermore, the IntelliJ Features are: JUnit testing, TestNG, debugging, code inspections, code completion, support for multiple refactoring, Maven build tools, ant, visual GUI builder and code editor for XML and Java.

    Finally, here below Link to IntelliJ IDEA Quick Start on Ubuntu:
    IntelliJ IDEA Java Ubuntu 16.04 Getting-Started Guide

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